Thursday, February 25, 2010

20. All That Glitters IS Gold-- for Mutya

Heide paints Mutya's nails as she gets ready for her Junior Prom.

Being more of a "tomboy", Mutya is not used to dressing up like this. Marilyn, her mother, made this wonderful gown for her to wear. However, she feels more comfortable practicing for the Arnis tournament that she will participate in two days from now.

As we all wait for a taxi to take us to a hotel in La Trinidad-- a town just to the north.

At the entrance to the hotel, Mutya's girlfriends are shocked at how she looks. This is a side of Mutya that they've never seen before.

Even inside the hotel, Marilyn touches up her dress as Mutya sees her good friend Louie.

Even though Louie looks "stunning" in his formal attire, something is not right. Mutya needs something to "release the pressure".

Mutya discovers that her purse is almost as good as an Arnis stick, as she tries to whack Louie.

Louie blocks the purse, tries to elbow her-- but she, in turn, blocks the elbow. Hey, these are pretty heavy moves they're putting on each other!

She may be overmatched with Louie, but she's happy again.

Two days later, at the tournament, Mutya (in blue) whacks her opponent.

Mutya is declared the winner.

And receives the gold.

Gone are the dainty hands of two days ago.

There are, however, promises into the future. For instance, Louie promised Mutya a strawberry on Monday if she would dance with him at the prom. He still hasn't paid up.

By the way, Filipinos only go to school for ten grades, not twelve. So the kids are only fourteen and fifteen when they have their junior prom.

Duane and Heide.

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