Thursday, February 4, 2010

6. Traveling to Dumaguete

Hi Everyone,

We had to leave the Nuns to their prayers in their chapel in Mere Monique.

And sit and wait for the driver to take us to the ferry station in Iloilo.

On the way to the ferry, we got behind an entire family on a motorcycle with sidecar (called a "tricycle"). Then we took a 1 1/2 hour ferry ride where we couldn't see anything except water splashing against the windows. This was followed by an eight hour bus ride through the mountains and down to the coastline to the town of Dumaguete. This was rough since there was only one bus stop early in the ride and there were no bathroom facilities on the bus. Although the view was great, twisting and turning through the mountains took its toll on my stomach. I don't think taking these daily Malaria pills are good for my stomach, but I dare not stop. There are mosquitoes in this part of the Philippines.

Andy picked us up at the bus station and drove us to his all-bamboo house. Andy is Heide's cousin who lived in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, and worked as a medical doctor. He retired from the States and built this bamboo house in Dumaguete after traveling all around the Philippines looking for the right spot to live. More photos of Andy's house in the next email.

Duane and Heide.

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