Friday, February 5, 2010

7. Andy's Bamboo House

Hi Everyone,

This is the house of Andy Subong in Dumaguete on the Island of Negros in the Visayan Islands. Virginia, Heide and I stayed there for three days. The unique feature about Andy's house, which he designed himself, is that it's all bamboo.

This is Andy standing on the lower level of his house.

Here's Duane sitting on the back porch-- just above Andy's head in the previous photo.

An interior shot of the house. Notice that the floor is bamboo, the walls are thatched bamboo and all the beams are bamboo. The floor has a bouncy feel to it as you walk across the room. There's a lattice of bamboo poles in the ceiling so a worker can climb up and fix holes that occasionally appear in the bamboo roof. The far door opens onto the back porch. The doorway to the right enters into our bedroom.

Here's a shot of Heide standing with her toothbrush in our bedroom in front of the bamboo closets. She's just about to brush her teeth. We chose not to sleep with mosquito nets since the mosquitos were not much of a problem.

This shot of the spare bedroom shows that even the ceiling is thatched bamboo.

Here's the four of us in front of Andy's house-- a testimonial to our enjoyment of good food in the Philippines.

By the way, Andy has a house in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, that's now on the market for $750,000. He designed it himself, but it's not bamboo. Anyone interested?

Duane and Heide

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